Real Estate is our daily cup of tea.
Our team of experts are committed to grow your business

We always do the best for your property project.
For more than 20 years, Tony Eddy & Associates (TEA) has been serving real estate developers in Jakarta and Bali, especially in reshaping and redefining their project development concept, marketing, and sales strategy to penetrate the target market effectively and successfully.

Talk to our Team.

Property Consultant Indonesia
We are committed to help you achieve the best result of your property business
For more than 20 years, from project development concept to property marketing and sales.
Tony Eddy & Associates (TEA) is a project investment, development and property consultant Indonesia with strong experience and expertise in helping real estate developers to refine their project development concept. As well, to formulate rigorous marketing and sales strategy to capture the intended target market.
– Project strategy
– Pricing strategy
– Sales & marketing strategy
– Traditional techniques
– Digital techniques
– Design techniques
– Customer relationship management

"Marketing services yang ditawarkan Tony Eddy & Associates (TEA) sangat bagus dan itu membantu kami sebagai developer dalam memasarkan produk-produk properti kami. Relationship TEA tidak hanya dijalin secara baik dengan developer, tetapi juga dengan customer sehingga customer yang membeli produk-produk properti kami merasa puas, ada customer satisfaction, jadi tidak sekadar menjual."
Ventje Candraputra Suardana
President Direktur PT Duta Anggada Realty Tbk.
"Sebagai konsultan pemasaran properti yang punya track record sangat baik, Tony Eddy & Associates (TEA) meletakkan tanggung jawab di atas segalanya, termasuk tanggung jawab kontraktual yang selalu dipenuhi. Jujur saya katakan, "beyond expectation", semua target bisa dipenuhi, bahkan di atas target yang telah ditetapkan di awal. Strategi TEA dalam mencapai target sangat baik. Satu yang saya bisa bangga adalah komunikasi yang mereka jalin dengan seluruh stakeholders."
CEO PT Waskita Karya Realty (2016-2020)
"Working with TEA and team was indeed an encouraging experience and milestone for us. Not only they have a great track record to back it up, but most importantly the thorough planning and execution of the marketing plan and strategy to achieve the target we had set together, plus hands on and seamless communication by Pak Tony Eddy himself that makes such a difference."
Johnwei Muljono
President Director PT Agung Persada Propertindo
Property Consultant Indonesia
Strong track record and experience since 1999.
From project development consultation to marketing and sales.